Five Things to Do Before You Sell
Get estimates from a reliable repairperson on items that need to be replaced soon, a roof or worn carpeting, for example. In this way, buyers will have a better sense of how much these needed repairs will affect their costs.
Have a termite inspection to prove to buyers that the property is not infested.
Get a pre-sale home inspection so you’ll be able to make repairs before buyers become concerned and cancel a contract.
Gather together warranties and guarantees on the furnace, appliances, and other items that will remain with the house.
Fill out a disclosure form provided by your sales associate. Take the time to be sure that you don’t forget problems, however minor, that might create liability for you after the sale.
Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine Online by permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Copyright / All rights reserved.
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Contact Annisha
If you are a buyer, please submit your "wish list" of must-haves. We will calendar an intake call.
If you are a seller, your address is sufficient for me to pull closed sale comps. We will calendar a walk-through of the property.
If you are a renter and NOT working with an agent, please complete the form below for a list of properties. PLEASE ENTER A BUDGET. NO PRICE RANGE = NO IDEA WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD.
If you are a Housing Choice or subsidized housing participant, please enter your expected move in date, your Housing Authority, your voucher size, the voucher expiration date, TTP or S8/Rent Burden figures. I will then send you a list of available rental properties, photos and qualifications. Upon receipt of your selections, I will coordinate showing dates/times.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the overwhelming demand for rentals, we can not hold a home without a refundable good faith deposit. I am a Realtor® not a scam artist. I will not lose my license over your refundable good faith deposit. Once you are approved, I bring the deposit to your move-in and perform a walk-through with the owner/agent. If you are denied, we can apply your deposit to your next choice OR holding Broker will refund it. If you do not want to secure your deal, I can not help you. No one is holding homes in this HOT marketplace with just your voucher. Trust me. Not happening. I am getting several offers overnight on listings.